Java Village Foundation

Working together for a brighter future



Who are we?

The Java Village foundation focuses on health, education and economic independence for the most vulnerable inhabitants of the Indonesian village of Cisarua. We stimulate and support local initiatives to break the vicious circle of poverty and to work together for a brighter future.

Our mission

The foundation bases its activities on the demands, needs and priorities of the villagers. We focus mainly on the most vulnerable groups in the village: children, youth and women who are the wage-earners of their families, ensuring that the offered will improve self-reliance and solidarity.

How can you help?

You can help with a donation to our foundation. If you support our Sponsor a Student program, with your help a student can attend lower secondary education. In addition, there is also the Maria Peters Scholarship which makes it possible for talented students to complete upper secondary education. You can also become a Friend of Java Village.

Another way to support us is to place your online orders via the DoelShop, quoting the Java Village Foundation. A donation will then go to our foundation for each purchase.

Java Village is also always looking for volunteers who want to work for our good cause. If you want to stay informed of our activities, you can subscribe to our Newsletter. You will then receive news from our foundation four times a year.

Our sponsors